2020 Summer Camps are HERE!

Have You Heard the News?

The 2020 Footholds Summer Camp Series is now up and running! With COVID-19 playing a big part still in our every day lives, we decided to run camps a little differently this year. 

All camps, except the LEGO Camp, will be run…online! Yes, you got it. Keeping with social distancing themes for summer, our camps will keep learners safe while still having fun playing games online at home.

Please note: some camps require the use of an account (Minecraft for example), and access to a laptop or desktop computer. The first day of camp will be spent troubleshooting technology, so access to Zoom might also be helpful.

Registration is now open – to sign up, please call 250-585-4411 or email footholdsadmin1@icloud.com 



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