Restorative Wellness
Footholds Therapy Center is proud to announce our therapeutic care homes for children and youth, Restorative Wellness. Our Restorative Wellness program is a holistic, relationship-based treatment model created to support children and youth challenged to be successful within conventional family, education or community resource settings and who do not require long term inpatient care. Grounded in evidence-based therapy approaches and best practice standards of care, Restorative Wellness is uniquely designed to create a profound, prosocial developmental shift in the lives of children and youth enduring neurological, developmental and trauma complexities; children and youth disrupted and disorganized by maladaptive attachment styles and unproductive coping strategies; children and youth struggling to regulate destructive emotional behaviours and children and youth suffering from addiction and intrusive behaviours. Recognizing that developmental complexities derive not only from the impact of intense events and experiences (neurologically, psychological, social-emotionally and environmentally) but also secondary to the absence of holistic events and experiences that are essential to prosocial healthy development, the Restorative Wellness program actively and with great intention, insists on a collaborative and adaptive strength based position that fosters treatment flexibility and empowerment relative to the capacity, ability and functioning of a child or youth.Footholds Therapy Center’s founding belief is that change is dynamic and ever-evolving and with every new experience and/or relationship there is an opportunity for growth and change. True, sustainable change is a process that invites, encourages and inspires through opportunity and holistic safety. Footholds Therapy Center’s founding belief of change is befitting of the expectations and goals of our Restorative Wellness program and is effectively balanced by an accomplished multidisciplinary team of Behaviour Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Art Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Clinical Advisors, Elders, Land based Therapists, Cultural Advisors, BC Certified Teachers and Education Assistants. When there is question of a child’s capacity our team will assess, when there is question of a child’s ability or knowledge our team will engage in skills development and when expectations of capacity and ability are satisfied our team will support the child in the functional application of their prosocial skills. We have a fully trained, experienced staff, that offer a loving, supportive environment for children and youth to flourish.All multidisciplinary team members will work within a trauma-informed, relationship-based holistic framework that includes developmental, neurological, psychological, social emotional, and cultural sensitive domains.If you have further questions, please contact us.
Our Services
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Please call or email the center to learn more about our services and to see if one of our programs is the fit for you and your family. Initial intake meetings are always free of charge and are a great way to introduce yourself and your child to our center and services.

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